Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10th

Thursday, January 10th

Today we will:

Share with the class blog topics that you explored on Friday.
--go around the room and each student shares--

Identify blog characteristics:  look at Sweet as Sugar Cookies
  • Blog post - parts of a post
  • - extension at end of address
  • Followers
  • Post Archive
  • Gadgets
  • Heading
  • Description  
  • Profile
  • Labels/Tags - on posts (organize) 
What happens when you follow a blog?
  • Goes to your email
  • Reading list on blogger dashboard
Create a blog to utilize in this course.
  • Add Title
  • Add description (what will this blog be about) Example"Welcome to my blog, this blog will be about web tools and other technologies we learn or use in Computer Essentials" Do Not copy this word for word

Customize blog background and colors
  • Layout
  • Visually appealing - easy to read
Explore Basic Settings:
  • Identify how to change Title of blog and blog address
Create first post - Name it My First Blog Post

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