Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 14

Monday, January 14

Today you will:

Turn off tracking on own blog.
  • Don't Track Your Own Pageviews- click radio button
 Examine your blog stats.
  • View your audience
  • View traffic source
  • Pageviews all time history
  • Pageviews by country
  • Pageviews by Browsers
  • Pageviews by Operating Systems 
Explore Blogger gadgets.

Take a screen shot and upload an image onto a blog post.

1.  Create a new blog post summarizing your blog stats.  

Title your blog post:  Blog Stats

2.  Create a new blog post summarizing the Blogger gadgets that you explored. Explain/describe the tool, what would be the benefits of having this gadget on your blog.  You must list 5 gadgets.  You can also include screen shots of this gadget:  Apple+Shift+4 - select area you want to take a snapshot of. 

Title your blog post:  Blogger gadgets. 

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