Tuesday, April 23, 2013



It seems that some people try to look good, some don't want to show their face, and some look kind of scary. I'm wondering, how do you choose your profile picture? Were you concerned about who might see you? Did you care?
If you are not comfortable using real photos to represent yourself in any online profiles, you can create a cartoon character of yourself.  It’ll definitely be fun and unique to others when you are representing yourself in a cartoonized way in any online profiles.

An avatar is a digital cartoon-like representation of a real person. Thanks to many free web services, you do not have to pay an artist for your cartoon illustrations. All you have to do is upload your photo, or perform some mix and match.
You can create avatars to use with your logins in VoiceThread, Google Apps, and other web tools. You can also incorporate your avatar into a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation.  If you have a wiki, a blog, a website or participate on a Social Networking site, chat, you can create an avatar to represent yourself.  Below you will find a few websites that I have collected where you can create an avatar.

Click on the links below to explore Avatar websites.  You can search for other avatar sites as well.  If you find another avatar site, please make a comment on this post so that Mrs. James can add it to our list.


Create a post showing the different avatars that you created!  Take a screen shot or download the picture and add it to your post.  You should have several examples.

Add the link to each avatar site on your post.

Describe each website.



 Build Yourself Wild - Avatars are created using a variety of animal body parts.


With DoppelMe you can create a cool graphical likeness of yourself, your friends, family or any group of people for use as an avatar in forums, instant messenger, blogs and almost anywhere else on the web.



 South Park Studio

For South Park fans, now you can become one of them.
South Park Studio





Shrink Pictures

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3rd -- Stykz

Frame-based Animating Done Right
  • Stykz is frame-based, letting you work on individual frames of your animation to make it just right. Onionskins let you see what was in the previous frame so you can make adjustments to your current frame easily. 
  • Stykz is completely free to download and use to create animations that you can show off to others or import into other applications.
  • New frames can be created by clicking on the "Next Frame" button in the Frames palette, or by simply hitting the Enter key... in fact, you can use the Enter key while you're manipulating a figure! It's kind of like taking snapshots of the current frame while you're moving or pivoting segments... this feature makes it very easy to get smooth animation.  Click here to see what animations others have made!
  • Create a frame-based animation using Stykz. Be creative! Export your final animation to be posted on your blog!

Monday, April 1, 2013


Create a Claymation Avatar to represent yourself in today's post!

Monday April, 1st

Today you will visit at least 5 of your classmates blogs and play their game(s).

Leave a comment for each game that you played.

When told to do so, you will create a post about the games that you played and your thoughts, as well as the game(s) that you created - include a link, etc.  


  •  Claymation - you will create an avatar

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday March 27th

Welcome back from Spring Break!!!!!

Today's Topics:

  • Compare Anything - you will compare to items
  • Creating online games
You will create a post about each website today that we explore.  We will begin with exploring the Compare Anything website. You will do at least two comparisons, include all blog post elements.

You will then create 3 games using proprofs at least one needs to be a hangman game then you can create two games of your choice.

Again make sure everything is school appropriate!

Compare Anything

I came across a website where you can key in two items - and it will compare them for you.  I teach  a renting realty unit in Business Law, so I wanted to compare a Lease vs Rent - see my results below!

Let's compare Dog and Cat
I compared rent and lease

Creating Games


I created this game on proprofs! Have fun


Explore this website! Create a hangman game to add to your blog.  Create other games as well!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Google Jobs

Google Job Search

So what does it take to work for Google?  Where are jobs located?  Today you are going to search jobs at Google.

Click Job Search  - just click the magnifying glass.

With over 70 offices in more than 40 countries, chances are Google has opportunities near you. Browse through their offices to learn more about their  openings and get a look at Googleyness around the globe.

If you want to search by location:  Click  - Job Search by location

Are there any jobs in Kansas?  If so, what is it and what are the qualifications that potential applicants must posses - what are some of the responsibilities if one obtains this job?

Find 3 more jobs that interest you?  Answer the following questions for each.
1.  Name of Job
2.  Location of Job (city and state)
3.  Job Description
4.  Qualifications
5.  Responsibilities
6.  Job Details
7.  Team or Role
8.  Work Schedule:
Full-time or part-time
9.  Date Posted

Create a post - call it Google Job Search - include the link and answer the questions for each job found.  Make sure that your information is organized and easy to follow.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Google Drive Assignment

Google Drive. Keep everything. 

Share anything.

Google Drive is everywhere you are—on the web, in your home, at the office and on the go. So wherever you are, your stuff is just...there. Ready to go, ready to share. 5 GB free.

Google Drive is available for:
  • PC and Mac
  • iPhone and iPad 
  • Android devices

Store your files in a safe place.

Things happen. Your phone goes for a swim. Your laptop takes an infinite snooze. No matter what happens to your devices, your files are safely stored in Google Drive

Go beyond storage. Collaborate.

Google Drive lets you do more than just store your files. Share files with exactly who you want and edit them together, from any device.

Google Drive gives you instant access to Google Docs, a suite of editing tools that makes working together better—even when your teammates are miles away.

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Wednesday, February 13

Today you are going to create a Spreadsheet using Google Drive to help you keep track of all of your accounts that you create in this course.

Mr. Niehues will demonstrate first.  Please wait for directions.

1.  Open Google Drive
2.  Create a new spreadsheet
3.  Key in accounts that you have created
4.  Share your document with your email
5.  Check the post for the link of the shared document
6.  Create a page linked to Google Drive on your blog so that you can access your account list quickly. (only you will be able to access it, so no worries about others seeing it on your blog)
7. Explore the options of Google drive, the different types of documents you can create,  the apps you can connect, etc... Be creative and detailed with this post, this could be a lengthy post and should be considerably bigger than previous posts. This is due to the size and options Google drive offers its users.
**Again, be sure to meet all post requirements, These can be found on the post requirements page. This assignment will be graded on grammer, fluency, spelling, originality, creativeness, and etc...

Class Google Drive

Google Drive

*Google Drive: Access and organize your files

What is Google Drive?

Web-based communication and collaboration tool - Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Drawing

Use Google Drive to store and access your files, folders, and Google Docs anywhere. Change a file on the web, your computer, or your mobile device, and it updates on every device where you’ve installed Google Drive. You’ll always have the latest version of your files and Google Docs at your fingertips. Read, edit, share, and collaborate on your files wherever you are!

Google Drive lets you store and access your files anywhere -- on the web, on your hard drive, or on the go. Here’s how it works:
  1. Go to Google Drive on the web at drive.google.com.
  2. Install Google Drive on your computer or mobile device.
  3. Throw your files in Google Drive. 
Now your files go everywhere you do. Change a file on the web, on your computer, or on your mobile device and it updates on every device where you’ve installed Google Drive. Share, collaborate, or work alone: your files, your choice.

Store the first 5 GB of your stuff for free.

When your Google Drive grows, get another 25 GB of space (or more!) starting at $2.49 per month.

Access everything in your Google Drive from all your devices.

Your files are always waiting for you at drive.google.com, but you can also get them straight from your computer, smartphone, and iPad. Install Google Drive on multiple devices and Google Drive makes sure they’re all the same. You can even get to your files after you go offline.

Keep files synced. Just connect to the web – it's pretty much automatic.

Any time your device has Internet access, it checks in with Google Drive. That ensures your files and folders are always up to date. Change something on one device and it changes everywhere.

Stop emailing attachments. Start sharing.

Google Drive lets you choose exactly who – friends, family, colleagues – gets your files. You don’t need email attachments anymore. Just share your file, folder, or Google Doc from any device.

Visit Google Drive!.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

name email


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Tuesday, February 26th Animated text

Today you will:
  • Explore and create animated text to place on your blog
  • Add HTML code to a blog post (have to click on HTML tab, then paste)
  • Download an animated text file - gif and place on blog/post
I will go over each website individually.  So please stay on our class blog.


Must add at least 3 animated texts
      - 2 in a post, with a link to the internet site they were generated from
      - 1 to your blog guidelines page

Animated Text

FlashVortex is another animated text generator.  This website has several text templates, such as you can make your words, melt, bounce, scale, flame, sandy, glow, 3D, rotate, and many more!  You can also create buttons, banners, clocks, and menus!


Make your blog come alive with glowing text!  Utilize GlowTxt's text generator!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feb. 13th Google Tips and Tricks

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Google Tips and Tricks

Now that you have explored Google Gravity - what other tricks does Google do?  It is now time for you to find tricks.

Find 3-5 Tricks and create a post.
Remember to include all post elements! - link, pictures, explanation

Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2:45 - Visit atleast 5 blogs  - to see their add ons suggestions and Google Tricks.

Google Tips and Tricks

Google Gravity - another cool feature!!!!

The effect behind the  creation of the Google Gravity is actually javascript with the extension box2d-js. It allow you to play with the element from Google homepage where all the things in the site will simply breaks apart and fall down. And yet you can’t stop searching what you need you know.

Click here to try it now!

8 Tricks of Google Gravity

What kind of tricks you can play with the Google Gravity?
Trick 1. Move Them Around
If you thought that once the elements fall down, that’s the end of the magic – you are wrong, its the beginning. Try holding any piece. To hold a piece click and hold the element and drag then around the screen. You can grab and move all the pieces.
Trick 2. Drop Them 
In addition to the above one, you will see that once you un-grab the elements (by leaving the mouse button) it falls below. Well its like the real world you see, gravity is acting over here.
Trick 3. Hit Them Hard 
Its the fun part. Grab any piece and use it to hit others. Fun. Also the size of the element you are using has effect on the force it generates. Try using the logo or the search-bar.
Trick 4. The Pendulum
Hold the Google logo by one of its sides and hold it up and shake it, It starts to oscillate like a pendulum. Try spinning it around!!!
Trick 5. Shake Effects
Restore the window to a smaller size. Now hold the window and try shaking it around. Didn’t expected the elements to move around that way?  It does!!!
Trick 6. Enlarge Effect
While the window is still restored to a small size, maximize the window and see the elements jump.
Trick 7. It’s Alive
If you have not realized it already, all the elements in the screen is actually working. All the links, buttons, radio-buttons work exactly in the same way they meant to be. Try typing on the search-bar,,,

Trick 8. Search Still Working
This is the one which very few people actually know. Try typing any query into the search-bar and click the search button (or if you cant find it in the debris hit the enter button). WOW! Right? The results are dumped into the screen as if by some invisible hands. Again these links are actual results and are working.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Feb. 8, Add ons - Explore, Recommend, Favorite FireFox Add-On's

FireFox Features Explored - Add Ons

Today I will introduce you to Firefox Add-ons! What are Add-ons?

Add-ons are small pieces of software that add new features or functionality to your installation of Firefox. Add-ons can build/strenthen/enhance your Firefox browser with new features, foreign language dictionaries, or change its visual appearance. Through add-ons, you can customize Firefox to meet your needs and tastes.  Learn more about customization

There are several kinds of add-ons that customize Firefox in different ways:
  • Extensions add new features to Firefox or modify existing functionality. There are extensions that allow you to block advertisements, download videos from websites, integrate more closely with social websites, and add features you see in other applications.
  • Complete Themes change the entire appearance of Firefox, usually including icons, colors, dialogs, and other visual styles.
  • Themes are lightweight themes that use background images to customize your Firefox toolbars.
  • Search Providers add additional choices to the search box dropdown. These providers allow you to quickly search any website.
  • Dictionaries & Language Packs add support for additional languages to Firefox.
  • Plugins help Firefox display or understand different types of media, such as Adobe Flash or Apple Quicktime. - information taken from Mozilla - Frequently Asked Questions
 For more info visit Frequently Asked Quesions - Add Ons

Choose from thousands of extra features and styles for Firefox.

Customize your Firefox  to enhance your online shopping, music, bookmarking and much more.

There are several Firefox add on categories - see photo on right.
There are over 1,000 add-ons!

I want you to take full advantage of all the wonderful features Firefox offers.  I want you to get the best experience while utilizing the Internet.

Today you are going to explore more Add ons, however no games/entertainment.  You need to find 10-15 add ons. You need to add them and try them out. Remember you can remove add ons that you see no benefit in having installed.   You could search the internet for suggestions and then explore an add on that they suggest. You must add and explore any add on that you recommend.


You will generate a list of ten add ons. A list that you feel every high school student should utilize.  You need to create a post and share at least ten, Must have add ons. You need to explain what the add on does and why someone would want it. Also include the link and any picture/screen shot(command+shift+4) that you can.

There should be no game playing of any kind.

Examples of lists are below. You may just have to copy and paste the website into your browser. I did not link them. These lists may be out of date but are examples for how your assignment can be set up. Remember to tell you readers what add ons are, etc.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday, Feb. 4th

Today's topic:  Firefox and Add Ons

We will explore Firefox! It is not just a browser!!!!

Create a blog post about personas:
Firefox Personas - take a snap shot of your persona - what is a persona, how does someone find a persona for their browser, etc.

Maonday Feb. 4th - Firefox Personas

Firefox Personas

Firefox personas is a way to personalize your firefox browser. It also makes your browser look more visually appealing versus just the plain default gray. There are many "skins" available to choose from. There is a search bar in the top right of the main screen to find specific designs you like. There is also many categories to choose from if you don't know something to specifically search. Your firefox needs to be updated with the correct software, but on the main screen of the website they provide a link to download it if you don't already have it.

You can choose a holiday theme!  To personalize your Firefox browser window click here!

Monday, Feb. 4th - Firefox Add Ons

FireFox Features Explored - Add Ons

Today I will introduce you to Firefox Add-ons! What are Add-ons?

Add-ons are small pieces of software that add new features or functionality to your installation of Firefox. Add-ons can build/strenthen/enhance your Firefox browser with new features, foreign language dictionaries, or change its visual appearance. Through add-ons, you can customize Firefox to meet your needs and tastes.  Learn more about customization

There are several kinds of add-ons that customize Firefox in different ways:
  • Extensions add new features to Firefox or modify existing functionality. There are extensions that allow you to block advertisements, download videos from websites, integrate more closely with social websites, and add features you see in other applications.
  • Complete Themes change the entire appearance of Firefox, usually including icons, colors, dialogs, and other visual styles.
  • Themes are lightweight themes that use background images to customize your Firefox toolbars.
  • Search Providers add additional choices to the search box dropdown. These providers allow you to quickly search any website.
  • Dictionaries & Language Packs add support for additional languages to Firefox.
  • Plugins help Firefox display or understand different types of media, such as Adobe Flash or Apple Quicktime. - information taken from Mozilla - Frequently Asked Questions
 For more info visit Frequently Asked Quesions - Add Ons

Choose from thousands of extra features and styles for Firefox.

Customize your Firefox  to enhance your online shopping, music, bookmarking and much more.

There are several Firefox add on categories - see photo on right.
There are over 1,000 add-ons!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31

Today's Topics:
  • Adding HTML code gadget
  • Favicon
Today we are going to identify what that picture next to the URLis called - Favicon.  You are going to change the Blogger favicon that appears next to your blog address.  We will visit several websites to see other Favicons.  You will then utilize a website that allows you to create a favicon.

  1. Create a Favicon - add it to your blog address.
  2. What is a Favicon? Create a post called:  Favicon
    • Take a snapshot of your favicon by your webaddress
    • explain what a favicon is, etc. 

The last thing we will be doing today is adding the Firefox browser to all of your machines.

Thursday, January 31 - Favicon

Favicon - January 31

Today's topic:  Favicon

How can one miss the Blogger logo in orange and white, which happens to be its default favicon for any blog. But have you thought of customizing your own favicon and display it in your blog. Adding your own favicon is not just branding your blog but also adds up some sense of professionalism too.

Add a custom favicon to your Blogger blog: "What is a favicon?

The word “favicon” is short for “favorite icon”, and is a 16x16px square icon which is associated with a website (or blog).  Browsers which support favicons will usually display a website’s favicon in the address bar (to the left of the URL), and next to the page’s name in a list of bookmarks. Browsers which support tabbed navigation (such as Firefox and IE8) will also display the favicon next to the page title on each tab."

Before creating your favicon some of the basic points you should keep in mind is that your favicon icon have to be a small image of size 16 x 16 pixels and with an .ico extension. However, you can also use .GIF and .PNG in this case. A very easy and time saving step in creating your icon is to go for one of the free services such as:


Alternatively you can download a “ready made” favicon from these sites:


Favicon - create picture and add to Blogger favicon or add html code into heading

Create an account on Faviocon.cc
Upload or create your image
Save - download picture
Click Design - Layout - and Favicon - upload new picture. 


Thursday January 31 - Blog Backgrounds

Thursday January 31 - Blog Backgrounds

Want to change the background of your blog.  Blogger offers several layouts and backgrounds for your blog, however there are several websites that you can find FREE backgrounds that may fit your personality better.  For instance thecutestblogontheblock has several free backgrounds - especially holiday or season themed backgrounds. It also has banners and buttons, etc. 

Want to change the background of your blog.  Visit any of the following websites!

You can also do your own search for blogger backgrounds.

Have fun changing your blog background to correspond with the holidays!!

To change your background, you will add a html gadget.

Thursday, January 31 - iPad Apps


Find 5 iPad apps that you could use for a class here at Abilene and create a post. (3 can be apps you already have installed, but you need to find two brand new apps you have never used before)

You will need to download the new apps and use them to see if they would actually be useful before you recomend them.

Remember to include all post elements! - link, pictures(screen shot), explanation( where/what class and how it would be useful)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 24 - Web tools


Find 2 web tools that you could use for a class here at Abilene and create a post.
Remember to include all post elements! - link, pictures(screen shot), explanation( where/what class and how it would be useful)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blogger iPad App - Wed. January 23 - Task 2

  • Today you are going to download the Blogger app onto your iPad.
  • Compare and contrast the Web version vs. App.
Download the Blogger App onto your iPad

Sign in.

View Blog

We will explore the iPad App.

  • Create a post.  - App vs. Web created on iPad App
  • In the post - explain the usability on the iPad.  
  • Full web vs. iPad App - what is your preference
  • Are both user friendly? Be specific.

After you have became familiar with the Blogger App, we will switch to Web version. Scroll down and you will find a link that says Web version.

View of iPad App

Web Version view - iPad

Wednesday, January 23

Today you will:

  • We will explore Feedjit
  • Add Feedjit to your blog
  • Verify that student link lists all WORK properly
  • Add Blogger App to iPad
  • Compare Blogger App to Full Website
Below you will find two separate blog posts one for:  Feedjit and  one for Blogger App.

Please stay on the class blog and wait for directions.

FeedJit - January 23 - Task 1

Feedjit lets you see friends and visitors as they arrive on your blog or website. Know when your best friends read about your latest adventure. If you are a business owner, be alerted when your most important clients view your latest product offering. Feedjit lets you know, right now, who is visiting your site. Simply add the Live Traffic Feed and instantly start seeing who is visiting your site as they arrive.
See the actual identity of hundreds of thousands of Feedjit members when they visit your site including their photo and links to their website and social profiles. You can make new friends and leads by contacting the Feedjit members who visit your site. The Live Traffic Feed turns your unknown readers into real people.

Visit Feedjit and add a live traffic feed.
How exciting!! It actually shows the country, browser, operating system and how a visitor arrives on your site!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday, January 18 - Symbaloo

Friday, January 18 - Symbaloo

Symbaloo's - Motto - START SIMPLE!

Visit Symbaloo today - click here!

Abilene has its own Symbaloo page!!!
or you can just use Symbaloo.com

Symbaloo is social bookmarking website that utilizes icons.  I love this simple to use social bookmarking website.  Today we will visit and start utilizing Symbaloo.

abilene.symbaloo.com - which is a customized symbaloo education account with our school logo on it.  Symbaloo was generous enough to give us this account to utilize the school year.  Thank you Symbaloo! 

Students and I will explore Symbaloo to see what other types of web mixes are out there that we would benefit from - adding to our Symbaloo page

A simple way for students to share and organize what they have found on the Internet is for them to use the social bookmarking website, Symbaloo. Symbaloo - is an icon bookmarking page - which is most commonly used as a personal start page. By setting it as your homepage on your browser, you can start with your online favorites everyday.

You can create your own "web mixes" of your favorite websites - or create them by category. You can conduct a search on Symbaloo to find web mixes that you can add them to your account. When you create a Symbaloo account, there are webmixes already created, such as, major news stories and news highlights from the NYTimes, Washingtonpost, CNN and Wallstreet Journal.
  • Discover pages with the best links about a subject
  • Create your own pages with favorites
  • Share your page with the rest of the world
  • You can share it with just one person, or publish it in the Symbaloo Gallery!

You can create a separate web mix for your different interest areas - games, travel, web tools, etc. To create a webmix, just click the Add a webmix link. Each webmix will have its own tab.

To share your webmix - just click share!
You can share it by email, Facebook or Twitter!

Other information:
  • You can edit a webmix or tile. 
  • Rename it
  • Change wall paper to one of Symbaloo's pictures, or upload your own!
  • When you update your webmix, be sure to click Update Webmix - otherwise your webmix will not be found or updated.
  • Post the link of your webmix on your blog, facebook, website for others to utilize. If they have an account they can add your web mix to their Symbaloo account if they want
  • Very user friendly social book marking site
  • You can always stop sharing your web mix. By clicking stop sharing
  • In the search box on Symbaloo, you can choose your search engine - you can search by the Internet, Images, or Maps.

Here is an example of a Keyboarding Web mix I created for my classes.

As you can see I changed my background by uploading a picture of an iMac. You can also see the tab of web mixes that I have created.  To visit my keyboarding web mix click here

 Create an account to get started!
  • Create a Symbaloo Account
  • Create a blog post:  Title it Symbaloo
  • Summarize what Symbaloo is - explain.
  • Take a screen shot of your finished Symbaloo page and add it to the blog post.
  • Benefits of using Symbaloo, etc.
  • Add link to Symbaloo - so your readers can access
  • Add a new page - to Symbaloo to the top of your tabs page